Rowan is officially 4 months old. His official stats are:
Weight: 15 lbs 4 ozs (50th - 75th percentile)
Height: 24 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Dr. Tyler was impressed with all that Rowan has accomplished in the last 2 months since he's seen him last. Each day Rowan amazes us with how he is growing. Rowan LOVES to play in his exersaucer (seriously Becky & Tina Best Gift EVER!!!). He can spin all the way around so that he can get optimum playing time with all the characters! Rowan also loves laying on his back on his play mat. He can bat at the toys and sometimes can even grab them.
He also loves to grab his toes and roll from side to side. He also LOVES to do what Darren and I call the "Kick Kick, Flail Flail". We call it this because he kicks his legs like crazy and with flail his arms all around. It really is quite entertaining for Darren and I to watch this. Rowan also enjoys himself a bit of belly time each day. He is really quite strong. He can push himself up into a cobra position and hold the position for a long time! He has even started trying to get his butt up in the air. I fear that the dogs may not be safe to much longer before Rowan starts to crawl and chase them! Rowan can roll over from his belly to his back and is super close to rolling over from his back to his belly! We are working on sitting up and he can tripod for a few seconds before he either falls forward or rolls to the side!
Rowan has started to smile more and is "talking" up a storm! It is so cute when he talks to us because he is practicing his different inflections of his voice.
Rowan has also adjusted to life without his mommy 24/7 because I had to go back to work on Jan 7. Rowan has been spending 2 1/2 days with our good friend Melissa and loves spending time with her 2 children Penny and Josh. Rowan has even found himself a little girlfriend that Melissa also watches! Her name is Cailyn and she is 3 months older then Rowan and such a cutie pie! The picture below is of Rowan and Cailyn snuggling on the bobby together!
Rowan also love his bath time! We have been filling the bath tub up with about 2 -3 inches of water and laying Rowan in the water. Lets just say that Rowan has such a good time splishing and splashing that Darren and I end up just as wet as he is ....only we still have our clothes on!